Monday, March 26, 2012

Dubbing reviews: Performance Flies SLF and Hends UV blend

I got a package in the mail from Performance Flies the other day and I was curious to try out the Hend's dubbing for some Czech nymphs. I really like their shellback material and the dubbing impressed me as well. It's got a great blue flash to it, long fibers, and it dubs really well. Instead of a czech nymph, I opted for a modified psycho prince nymph I've been working on with a shaggier appearance and a double set of white wings. The mottled shellback on the top gives it a natural look, but the bright purple is still flashy on the sides and bottom. I tossed a few of these to my buddy who fished the Salmon River in NY over the weekend and he said he pulled two steelies on one of these out of Ellis Cove on Saturday. I think I have a winner.

Next up is Performance Flies SLF dubbing. I also really like this. Long fibers, dubs easy, it's pretty thick so it's easy to taper and build up a body fast. I tried out Craven's Caddistrophic with the SLF and I like how it turned out. Now I just need to fish this pattern.I also wanna try this stuff for some underbody on some big elk hair caddis.

You can pick this stuff up over at Performance Flies for pretty cheap. Also don't overlook the great hooks, and Jan Siman dubbing as well.


  1. Thanks for the reviews Mike. I'm about due for an order to PF and will have to try some of those hends products. Nice bugging looking flies. Let us know how well they fish.

    1. Thanks. I'll be posting some reviews of the hends quill body at some point soon.

  2. Those are some sweet looking flies!

  3. I need to pick up some stuff as well and I'll be watching for the shellback material!

    1. Look for my last czech nymph post. They use the hend's stuff. You should pick some up and tell Kevin I sent ya!

  4. That psycho prince looks really great. Thanks for the post.
