Saturday, July 9, 2011

What do you do when a massive rainstorm hits?

We had inches of rain yesterday and every stretch of moving water is a chocolate milk shake right now. I remembered that there's a small pond about a mile from me that I've been meaning to try for the last year. Turns out, it's absolutely full of massive gills who love foam hoppers. I pulled a few approaching two lbs today. I landed over 20. Surprisingly, I saw no bass though.

Also, I forgot to post this last week, but here's the first photo of our upcoming addition. January can't get here fast enough!

I think I'm heading out later this evening to a big lake with Nick to see if we can find some Crappie and Bass on streamers. More later.


  1. Congratulations on the baby!

  2. Congrats on the upcoming addition!

    ...good job on those gills as well :-)

  3. Congrats on the baby....and the bluegill! :)

  4. I don't know what I would be more excited about, 2 lbs gills or the baby. Congrats!

  5. Great looking site Mike. Congrats on the upcoming baby...

