Tuesday, December 4, 2012

NJ Fly Tying Symposium - Recap

Well, I'm back from the dead. I just had my gallbladder out so I've been out of commission for a little while but I'm finally back to normal and ready to get out for some fishing. I did get a chance to attend the Fly Tying Symposium the weekend before my surgery and I really did have a good time. They moved the show to the same place at the fly fishing expo, so it was a lot less cramped now, and there were some amazing fly tiers there. With less crowding, it was nicer to spend time at each tier's station, watching them twist up some nice looking bugs and asking a bunch of questions. Here's some photo highlights from the show.

Mike Schmidt from Angler's Choice Flies tying some badass streamers!

More big flies from Pat Cohen over at Superfly

Gaeron Friedrichs won fly of the day in my opinion with his amazing action Caddis pattern. This kid has SKILLS. Check his blog.

I tried to catch Charlie Craven's demo but it was so crowded that I didn't bother.

Eric Hornung, the Tattooed Angler. I met this guy through Instagram and his trout tattoo artwork is amazing. If I ever get inked, he's gonna be the guy to do it. (Thanks for the sticker Eric. It's representin' on the back of my SUV)

Eunan Hendron - This guy hasn't been tying that long but his salmon flies are a thing of beauty. I was lucky enough to participate in a fly swap with him recently and he tied these classic coachmen wets which I don't even want to take out of the bag because they look so nice.

But, the coolest thing I saw all day was this....Always puts a smile on my face :)

Also, I apparently caused someone to throw their panties...all in all, a good day.

Shoutout to Mr Furimsky for a kickass show. I really enjoyed last year's show but I think they outdid themselves this year. I look forward to the next one.

1 comment:

  1. was good to meet you there! pity you cant make the Tying Jam, but sometime maybe we can get out for some fishing!


    BTW, get on over and vote for me in the TFM spotting contest for November!
